魚蝦黃金卷 觀看數:715 人
腐皮 1張(圓形)
鯪魚膠 6兩
鮮蝦 半斤
1sheet beancurd skin (round in shape)
225g mud carp paste
300g fresh shrimps
2 tbsps diced spring onion
鹽 1/4茶匙
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp corn starch
喼汁 1小碟
Dipping sauce︰a small plate Worcestershire sauce
做法:1. 鮮蝦去殼,挑腸,洗淨,用廚房紙吸乾水分。蝦肉用刀略拍,再剁十多下,加入醃料拌勻,下鯪魚膠及蔥粒攪勻,撻至起膠。
2. 腐皮用濕毛巾抹淨,剪成兩塊。
3. 腐皮對摺,鋪上半份餡料,抹平,包卷成長條狀,上碟,隔水大火蒸10分鐘,取出待涼。
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1. Shell the shrimp. Remove the veins. Rinse and wipe dry the moisture with kitchen paper. Slightly pound the shrimp meat. Chop a dozen times. Mix with the marinade. Add the mud carp paste and spring onion. Give a good stir. Throw into a bowl several times until gluey.
2. Wipe the beancurd skin with a damp towel. Cut into 2 pieces with a pair of scissors.
3. Fold up the beancurd skin. Lay 1/2 portion of the filling on top. Flatten. Roll up into a long strip. Dish up. Steam over high heat for 10 minutes. Let it cool down.
4. Slice the beancurd skin roll. Fry on a pan until golden. Serve with the Worcestershire sauce.