最近登上 PAPER 雜誌封面的她,展現她的身體,同時在接受採訪時,她也像雜誌透露出自己的人生觀,她相信自己一定有能力改變什麼,並不是像一個沒有個性的歌手。以下有幾個語錄能夠代表麥莉的一切:
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「我不屬於男孩或女孩,我也不在乎另一半是男生或女生。」(I don’t relate to being boy or girl, and I don’t have to have my partner relate to boy or girl.)
「我記得我跟媽媽說,我欣賞女人的方式有所不同。她問我這是什麼意思,我說,我愛女生,就像我會喜歡男生一樣。」(I remember telling her I admire women in a different way. And she asked me what that meant. And I said, I love them. I love them like I love boys.)
(I am literally open to every single thing that is consenting and doesn’t involve an animal and everyone is of age. Everything that’s legal, I’m down with. Yo, I’m down with any adult — anyone over the age of 18 who is down to love me.)
「我曾經有過這樣的戀情,但不被人們所看好,我也從來沒有在媒體面前公開過。」(I’ve had that. But people never really looked at it, and I never brought it into the spotlight.)
5.不愛原教旨主義 / 基本教義派
(Those people [shouldn’t] get to make our laws. … That’s fucking insane. We’ve outgrown that fairy tale, like we’ve outgrown fucking Santa and the tooth fairy.)
(I can’t drive by in my fucking Porsche and not fucking do something,I see it all day: people in their Bentleys and their Rolls and their Ubers, driving past these vets who have fought for our country, or these young women who have been raped… I was doing a show two nights ago, and I was wearing butterfly nipple pasties and butterfly wings. I’m standing there with my tits out, dressed like a butterfly. How the fuck is that fair?How am I so lucky?)